Irrevelant posts and occasional photos from our attempts to drink our way round Eastern Europe.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Was There: The People's Review 2006

A strange thing happened a couple of months ago ... I was contacted by a researcher at Endemol who were making a programme for ITV ('I Was There: The People's Review 2006') to be broadcast at the end of the year. He'd seen our video of our Chernobyl Tour on YouTube and wanted to use it on the show they were making.

Thinking it was someone having a laugh, I emailed back and said "yeah, sure, go for it" and expected not to hear anything else. It turned out it was for real and they wanted to use the clip and also to interview some of us of for the programme.

Big Alex wasn't too fussed so Graham, Andy and I went along to Bar Square in Merchant Square to get interviewed whilst drinking beer. I can't say I was that keen but I knew I'd feel left out if I saw Graham and Andy on the telly.

At the interview, it was the first time I'd seen Andy speechless - every time the camera pointed at him, he looked like a started rabbit. Graham, normally the more articulate of the lot of us, rambled on and I was just nervous. A few beers helped calm us down, but what the end results are like, I have no idea.

Anyway, the programme is getting broadcast at 10pm on the 31st December on ITV. Apparently they are going to use some of the interview footage too, so that should be cringe-worthy.