Irrevelant posts and occasional photos from our attempts to drink our way round Eastern Europe.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Truffle Shuffle

As Graham kindly pointed out in his comments to the post about the head-wetting ..
"Why no mention of Alex dancing? The highlight of the night. In fact, it's a personal highlight from a lifetime of nights-out..."

He is indeed correct, the sight of the big man doing the truffle shuffle brings a smile to my face. Here's the story, in the club (formally Cuba Norte but not sure what it is called now), there was a red curtain over an archway with a stage behind it and a strong light. The idea being that dancers dance on the stage which cast a silhouette on the curtain. James Bond opening sequence style.

There were a couple of girls dancing but they had stopped and once Alex spied this, he decided that it would be better if he was to dance. I recall looking over to see the large shadow projected by his 'dancing' as did a couple of bouncers. Not quite sure exactly what he was supposed to be doing, as it's all a bit vague but the bouncers took offence and were discussing ejecting him from the club. Luckily he must have got bored and moved before he was chucked out.

Class :)


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